
Senin, 01 Oktober 2012

Perbedaan Learner-Centered Approach dan Teacher-Centered Approach

Bagi seorang guru/dosen mengajar tanpa konsep dan mindset berupa "pendekatan" atau "approach"ibarat memancing tanpa umpan, berjalan tanpa tujuan, artinya semua sia-sia. Namun, apakah pendekatan itu penting dalam proses belajar mengajar? Untuk lebih jelasnya, akan dijabarkan perbandingan 2 pendekatan atau approach yaitu Learner-Centered Approach  (pendekatan yang bertumpu pada siswa) dan Teacher-Centered Approach (pendekatan yang bertumbu kepada guru) di bawah ini. Let us read it carefully!

Teacher-Centered Approach
Learner-Centered Approach
Preferred teaching methods
Lecture, discussion in large and small groups, application  of theory
Instructor’s role
Direct the learning process, be source of knowledge, clarify and interpret written texts.
Present content, facilitate dialogue, and demonstrate analytical skills.
Learner’s role
Listen to lectures, take notes, read assigned texts, memorize content, demonstrate memorization through tests and written papers
Listen, take notes, read, think, critically about content, express perspectives in class, participate in dialogue, demonstrate understanding
Who directs learning process
Instructor and student.
Use of the computer and internet
Considered only as an adjunct to the lecture.
Can be an intrinsic part of achieving the course objectives, and used by the professor to engage the students in further exploration of the topic as well as out of class discussion topics.
Learning mode
Top down, i.e. instructor imparts knowledge to students
Cooperative, participatory, interactive between instructor and learner
Evaluation methods
Written and oral exams.
Written and oral exams, presentation, class participation, papers, quizzes, group projects,

classmates’ evaluation.
Who conducts evaluation
Instructor evaluate students
Instructors evaluate students, students evaluate instructors, classmates evaluate each other
Desired outcomes
Memorize texts, absorbs knowledge
Gain knowledge, apply concepts to new situation, use critical analysis skills
Source: Alisa Eland, Michael Smithee, and Sidney, L. G., U.S. Classroom Culture, 
First Edition, USA, NAFSA, 2009

Berdasarkan tabel di atas dan hasil penerapan di  dalam kelas di berbagai tingkatan baik Sekolah Dasar (SD), Sekolah Menengah Pertama (SMP), Sekolah Menengah Atas (SMA), penulis menyimpulkan bahwa "learner-centered approach" lebih baik dibandingkan dengan "teacher-centered approach". Itu tampak dari hasil refleksi peserta didik dan hasil observasi; yang mengindikasikan nilai positif dan ungkapan menyenangkan selama pembelajaran. Namun, jika ini bisa diterapkan hingga perguruan tinggi maka mahasiswa pun akan lebih menikmati dan termotivasi untuk belajar lebih giat. 

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